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I am sick and tired of them people threatening my life and stealing my money.

And the police sitting there doing nothing about it.
So the police are stealing my money too. I am sick and tired of it.

You know the murders.
You know those people that overpopulate the world to death, creating wars, starvation, poverty, crime etc. worldwide.

Killing people by overpopulating them to death is murder.

I demand the arrest of the murders, they are threatening my life and they are stealing my money.

Also want the names of all the people in jail. I would like to write to them.
I would like to help them with their defense. I want to tell them to demand a jury trial. and no matter what their charge is just claim self-defense. Just tell the jury them people are threatening your life by overpopulating the world to death, creating wars, starvation, poverty, crime etc. worldwide. So no matter what you do it is just an act of trying to defend yourself against them.

I also demand the arrest of any judge that conducts court without a jury allowed.

Johnny King
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